Monday, April 2, 2012

New apartment and what not

Last night was our first night in our new apartment. Its nice, quiet and has plenty of room for Liam to run around. We still have a few things to move from Myndi's dorm room but were basically all set up. We moved Liam's fish today, that was fun, we got in the cab and tried to explain to the cab driver that we had a fish in the garbage can. He just smiled, laughed and hit the gas. Clearly he didnt understand what we meant. But needless to say the fish is here. Liam just tried to kill it I think, he put enough food in his water to last for six months, not to mention the food that didnt make it into the bowl.

We had some traditional Korean food yesterday and it was extremely good but also EXTREMELY HOT. There were like two menu items that said "spicy" next to them but I like spicy food so no big deal. I told the waitress what I wanted and she warned me that it was spicy. I asked how spicy? She said well for me its "normal spicy" but for you it may be very spicy. I said well I like spicy food so I will be fine. Wrong. Each bite was like dipping a jalepeno in habanero sauce and sprinkling chili powder on top. My mouth was on fire.  This is what fire on a plate looks like....maybe I should have been clued in by the pile of peppers laying on top of the dish.

Here are a couple videos to watch, of the area we live in and our apt. Sorry its a little jumpy, I am pushing Liam and holding the camera so kinda hard to keep it steady:) Enjoy

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