Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday in Suwon

So we decided to get some brunch for Easter and head up to Suwon, specifically the Hwaseong Fortress which is located right in the middle of the city. It was pretty amazing. Here are a few pics.....

It was quite the climb to get up to the top of this place. Its definitely someplace we will come see again. Not sure exactly what the history is behind it, something to read more about. It is impressive though. The city was really big, basically every way you looked from this huge fortress looked like the picture directly above. City for miles and miles.

For 2000 won (2 bucks roughly) I got to toll that big bell three times. That was pretty cool. Its just neat to see something so impressive and think there are so many places in the world that are as equally impressive and we just don't get to see. Here's a little video of it as well......

1 comment:

  1. Jeeks--- these pics are amazing! Looks like you are embracing the culture which is exactly how you should do it. Enjoy!!
