Thursday, April 5, 2012


We finally have internet! Legally. We got internet and cable hooked up yesterday but the modem they gave us was not working so they came back today and switched it out. So were fully wired for skype, facetime, etc. Myndi tested for promotion today, so hopefully she makes the cut, were celebrating with steaks. Could be a disaster, our oven is not conventional, its more of a convection oven so we may be going out to eat:/ Hopefully not though....

My Korean language lessons have stalled a bit, need to get back on track. I question myself when I use it and Koreans smile at me. I wonder, are they holding back laughter? The cable guy showed up yesterday and I formally greeted him and he kinda chuckled. Kind of a smart ass chuckle though. Who knows, I will keep trying. I know some appreciate the effort even if I completely mess it up.

I really wanna start classes soon, Unfortunately I have some unfinished business with school at home that needs to be resolved before I can start classes here. I apparently enrolled in a class without knowing it for this semester. I hope it gets straightened out soon, its a headache.

Here's a few pics, Liam playing, the view from our rooftop, nothing spectacular. I think were going back up to Seoul next weekend for some festival. I am not sure which festival. Just a festival.....

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