Friday, March 23, 2012

First Korean subway ride....whew

We ventured out of the city we live in for the first time today, it was a little adventure. Thank god for young Koreans who are happy to practice their English with bumbling, lost Americans. We didn't even have to ask, we apparently wore the confusion all over our faces. We did okay, kinda, leaving the city we live in, the subway station is small and hard to get lost in. When we left the city we went to, Pyeongtaek, it was a different story. Its so weird how turned around you get when you cant read anything.

We went to a mall in Pyeongtaek, which was actually connected to the subway station. It was really nice, 8 floors but a somewhat deceiving 8 floors. The floors aren't very big so its not like it was some insanely huge mall. We ate there which was pretty cool. The restaurant looked out over the city we were in. We realized that we need to learn some basic Korean if we are going to venture out. Between the subway station and trying to order dinner, it is evident that it would do us some good to listen to Rosetta Stone. Dinner turned into us pointing at pictures on the menu saying "that looks like chicken". Lovely.....thank god it turned out to be really good.

I couldn't tell you the amount of people who looked at Liam and said something to whoever they were with. They would look at him, say something to whoever they were with then say "cute" and smile. I think seeing a blonde little kid here is pretty rare. They don't tell Myndi and I that we are cute though :(

If the weather is okay were going to venture to either Suwon or Seoul this weekend. We will definitely take lots of pics there....both are big cities with pretty sights apparently.

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