Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Funday

We took Liam to the Pyeongtaek mall today because they have a kids play area that we had seen on a previous trip there. He loved it, glad we found it because he is so used to going and playing with other kids and I didn't want that to stop here. We taught ourselves how to say hello and goodbye before we left today. I used it successfully a couple times. We got in the cab right after I had finished watching the youtube video that taught us and I said "hello" to the cabbie perfectly. And then we told him where we were going and he repeated it to me for confirmation and I replied with "si". Then he asked another question and I replied with "si" again. Then Myndi reminded me he wasn't Spanish. He probably thought this racist American pig. Ahhhhhh being a foreigner is fun.

While at the mall Myndi had run to grab a cup of coffee and I was watching this women make these donut hole type things. And people were buying them as fast as they could be made, they looked great. She poured the batter and a big dollop of "chocolate" and some walnuts into this conveyor belt machine where they cooked for a few minutes then got spit out onto this tray when they were done. So I bought ten of them, tossed one of those hot little balls of deliciousness into my mouth and didnt get what I was expecting. Turns out the "chocolate" was actually bean paste. Myndi figured that out as I was washing down my first and last bean paste ball. It actually wasnt that bad, just not that good either. I feel like bean paste shouldnt be mixed with donuts, but it is here in Korea.

Okay here are some pics and a video too! Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Liam looks like he's he's a young boy, not a toddler anymore. Maybe because he's a world traveler! This week I think it's best to skype me - Myndi has a different shift. MI gramma loves you!
