Sunday, March 18, 2012


We went to the other side of the tracks today, literally not figuratively....we walked to where the train leaves for Seoul. The further we got from base the more foreign it got. You can tell around base is definitely geared towards Americans....We went to a street market that had all sorts of fish, spices, veggies, basically everything. We bought some nice big sweet potatoes and grapes for Liam. I think we got ripped off on the grapes. 5000 won for one bundle of grapes, which equals about five bucks.

The first picture of the store 'J Rider' I was actually trying to get a pic of the guy you see in the picture. It was weird, there was a bunch of Korean guys standing around in chaps with their bikes parked out front. It looked like a Korean biker bar. 

We had traditional Korean for lunch today, pizza...:) it was very good. We are thinking of going to Seoul next weekend to see the Coex mall which is supposedly amazing. It is an underground mall that has everything apparently. It will be neat to see Seoul because I believe it will be greatly different from where we live. As you can tell in some of the picture it looks very old and run down while Seoul is the opposite.

We will be trapped inside for the next few days, there is an exercise on base which basically means they do mock attacks of the base so everything is shut down. I could technically still go places since Im not in the military Im not taking part in the exercises but most people would probably assume I am in the military and wonder why Im not taking part in the exercise which would probably lead to getting yelled at. I dont want to get yelled at.

Thats all for now:)

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